Administrative Professionals Day

Administrative Professionals Day

Today is Administrative Professional’s Day. Guess what I got today??? A whole lotta nothing, and a little bit of you’re not important enough. Awesome!! Thumbs up!! I work as a sales assistant for FIVE (1,2,3,4,5 FIVE!!!!) Sales Reps who: 1) make twice what I do – 2) have “business meetings” everyday with the cashier at Super Target and think nobody knows about it – 3) get upset when they can’t get their “team building” golf trip accepted as a business expense – 4) did I mention they make twice what I do?? – 5) are too self-absorbed to even remember that it’s FREAKIN’ SECRETARY’S DAY!! It’s so super duper fun to be the ONLY ONE in the whole office who is sitting at their desk eating a Starkist tuna Lunch-to-go while all the other sales assistants are dining on Applebee’s and Cheesecake Factory. Don’t worry sales reps, I’ll hold down the fort while you take your 3 hour lunch, then come back to bitch about how it’s so nice outside and you wish you weren’t working. NEWS FLASH!!! You’re not really working!! Oh, you need me to place your orders, and tell you the names of the customers you don’t pay any attention to while you talk to your mom/husband/wife/kid(s)/boss who’s out golfing also/daycare provider. I gotcha covered. Me and my tuna on crackers aren’t goin’ nowhere. Especially not to Cheesecake factory, for sure. A-holes.z

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