Keep the Faith

Keep the Faith

I’ve been a dishwasher. I’ve been the guy in the hole in the floor at Jiffy Lube, that gets hot stinky oil all over himself all day, and tries to eat his break (w/ oil covered hands) in between the ding-ding of the drive-up bells. I’ve dug many, many ditches — worked in parking lots in 105 degree plus weather setting up tents for hippy concerts. I’ve worked in an old limestone mine picking mushrooms for people’s pizzas and the jolly Green Giant. I worked at a nursing home and watched them cart the senile old people out in body-bags every weekend. I’ve been a cook, a clerk, and a computer-engineering major. I can see how working in an air-conditioned office could get old– I guess everybody deep down hates their job (at least a little). Keep the faith, fellow wage-slaves, keep the faith!

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