Crap Jobs

Crap Jobs

Crap Jobs, they are everywhere and anywhere, and for most of them you need a post-secondary education!! I saw an administrative assistant position advertised which asked for a degree!  The only thing you need a degree for in that job is when your typing up your letter of resignation.

I mean the irony of it all. Many of us attend university and college to learn about such wonderful things as politics, history, art etc. (you know what I’m talking about). We attend these institutions where we pay hugh tuition fees and get to sit amongst our peers discussing such lofty subjects such as democracy, freedom and oppression….only to graduate and end up sitting in some corporate cubicle for eight hours a day doing a job so mundane that you think you might as well have worked in the coal mines straight out of elementary school.

The only thing that corporate cubicle job gives you is first hand experience of what Oppression is like I suppose. Hey at least you can apply what you’ve learned in university.

Anyways this rant is to be continued.

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