Kwik Fill

Kwik Fill

Ok, my name is David, I am 20 years old, and I have a job I absolutely cannot stand. I’m about to head out to it in about a half hour. I work at Kwik Fill. Night shift. 10pm to 6am. All night I have to deal with grumpy drunk old men or underage kids trying to buy alcohol or cigarettes. I’ve talked to people who work at Hess, and found out i’m actually doing the work of 2 people which made my blood boil. I service customers while at the same time scramble to get these chores done and trust me, it affects your customer service. Sweep, mop, stock coolers, bag ice, sweep outside, take out garbages, clean out and replace rugs, face shelves, etc. At most gas stations 2 people work night shift, one on register, one does the bullshit chores. Also less chance of getting SHOT with 2 people working, after all, the city of Rochester is only a 10 minute drive away where guys from the city drive through and come into the gas station, some of them you can clearly see are armed. The gas station has been robbed several times in the last 4 years, all night shift. I’ve been there 9 months, so far so good in that department. My boss is a very overweight lesbian woman, who likes to share her personal life in detail at meetings and talk about how she doesn’t need any of us and that she could do all of this on her own if we quit. the other night shift girl, the one who works a couple weeknights when i’m not working is always calling me saying shes sick and can’t work, shes been “sick” for a week now but they havn’t fired her yet, because nobody else will work night shift there. It’s not easy to find night people. I will find another job eventually. When I finally get my damn license (i’m a TERRIBLE driver) but I live in a town where there is pretty much no other place to work unfortunately.

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