Office Kiss Ass

Office Kiss Ass

Okay so every office has at least one kiss ass and mine does too as well. Except mine happens to be the bosses step daughter in law. I work in an insurance office with 5 people, including myself and the owner who doesn’t do anything except shop online and figure out ways to cut our pay so that she can do more online shopping.Me and 2 of the other ladies bust our ass to answer phones, greet customers at the door and write business. The other kiss ass, we’ll call LW, doesn’t do anything! She doesn’t get up off her fat ass to greet customers, she only answers the phone if no one else can get it and when we work had to sell something she says “I already talked to them about that” so that she can take credit for our work. To top it off she is also one of those “think she knows it all” types which drives me effing nuts. Everytime I have a simple question she comes running in to tell me how she does things. Well if I was an unethical BIOTCH I would totally do it your way but since I’m not please get out of my freaking personal space. She also talks about her sex life and hole host of inappropriate topics. All of our work gets logged in a register with our intials next to it. I happen to share the same intials with her so she takes credit for work that I’ve done when I’m not around. The boss tells us that she can’t stand her but her husband forced her to hire her but she gives LW all kinds of benefits that she doesn’t give us. Our boss always boast that she treats everyone fairly and pays everyone the same when it’s pretty obvious that she doesn’t. I’ve been here since April of 08 and when I was hired I was told that I would be making $14 an hour plus commissions and bonuses. This was not true but I already quit my other job and really didn’t have a choice. She always calls us into her office and tells if we do this much business she will pay us this much bonus. So we get all excited but the minute we hit our goal we find out that she has decided to change the way she pays us so she doesn’t actually have to give us the money that she promised us. This place is a real pisser!

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