I’m Livid

I’m Livid

I thought I was being a good worker. No, I KNOW I’ve been a good worker. I know our entire department.. even though I’m only assigned to the one side. I know how to do stuff, I have never been complained about, by any customers or managers. When I close, there is never anything left in the bins, or in the dressing rooms. There is never any merchandise on the floor. My manager said like 2, 3 weeks ago that she never had to worry about my side because I always kept it together.

SO today.. I get my review. At first, she was nice. She tells me I’m a good worker, la la la, and then she tells me that I don’t talk to the Customers enough; and that I need to take some initiative in fixing things. OH like when I moved the socks yesterday because it didn’t make sense? Or when I changed the Jewelry when it was in the wrong order? Guess I don’t do that ever. Hmm. Okay. ARGH..

Then she turns over the paper, and I see the Ranking: it said 4 out of 5!! So I’m thinking, is that good? Or is that bad? But she’s still talking about the stuff up higher, so my already infuriated mind races, waiting for her to get to the bottom. Then she finally gets there and says OH! I messed up, one sec. I then wait.. for what feels like forever, staring at the fake flowers and think Oh my hell, this is nuts. She comes back, and I am now Ranked 3, out of 5 (with my named spelled wrong which just adds to the anger). Nice. I know who is Number 1.. and lets just say I’m like WHAT?! I don’t understand how she can be Number 1. She is always taking long breaks, and talking to everyone, spends most of her time in the back because she wants to take her shoes off – guess that counts as talking to Customers?! Not to mention she doesn’t even have her own damn transportation to work! My boss PICKS HER UP. Can you believe that?!

With my shitty ranking, I get 20 hours. Which, took my management impaired boss FOREVER to get around to saying. First it was “you’ll get 3 days off instead of 2” and I say, “so I’ll still have 8 hour shifts?” .. pause.. “well.. no, no one’s getting 8 hour shifts anymore.” (blood boiling), so.. “how many hours are we saying?” she looks at me, “about 20, is that okay?” IS THAT OKAY?! I told you originally I needed to have at least 30 hours!! I TOLD her that when she offered me the job. I wanted to make that completely clear. Wow.. I’m livid.

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