Shipping Department A Hole

Shipping Department A Hole

Why are all shipping departments breeding grounds for the mentally perverted or criminally insane? I feel like I have to gear up with kevlar, chain mail, and the Kentucky militia, just to ask this guy a simple question. When ever you are being civil with this guy, he BREATHS FIRE! (or spits while he talks) He’s always stomping around(literally)and making a racket. One of my coworkers was defecating in the bathroom, when this guy storms in and proceeds to sit in the stall next to him. My coworker could hear him talking on his cell phone and craping at the same time. Every time his ass would be blowing chunks he would cough so the person he was talking to would not hear it…but I’m sure they did. Apparently the person he was having a conversation with asked him what all the grunting was about, because he said “No, I’m just lifting a heavy box”. (yeah, and you shit your pants!)

I know this is petty, but to get back at this anal asshole with apparent lactose intolerance, I’ve been fucking with his paperwork. Every time that I make a request for a UPS shipment, I make the piece of paper a little bit smaller every time.(hehe) I was told that he has been flipping out because these smaller than normal size pieces of paper get lost and don’t file very well.

I also checked the history in his internet explorer. As it turns out he likes porno. GAY PORN! VERY VERY GAY PORN! Yuck.

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