Dear Secret Shopper

Dear Secret Shopper

Dear Secret Shopper,
I am a tad bit overworked. I work 30 hours a week, go to college, and makes time to work out at the gym. I do not work in the day time due to school, so my schedule is School, Work, Gym, and then home to sleep and then repeat. I have yet to spend time with my family for the past few months and it’s wearing me thin. However to address the point, I WOULD LOVVVEEEE! TO THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY ON ME AFTER A GIANT RUSH OF CUSTOMERS. I did not have the time to recover the restaurant and at the same time have not had my lunch. THANK YOU for giving me the worst review I have ever had in my life. I have never gotten a bad review, but thanks to you, my 3 years experience seemed useless. You sir/mam are a living, breathing, piece of shit. You do not know what is like to be me. YOU DO NOT KNOW MY EVERYDAY STRUGGLES. I’m sure your fat lazy ass is enjoying the easy life criticizing people with your “barely out of highschool education”. I hope you choke and die on our products one day. Bitterness will not run through my blood if you have not made my boss lose her bonus thanks to your bad review.

your smoothie making bitch.

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