The Worst Person I Have Ever Met

I am trapped in a dead end shit hole of a job. I mean absolute shit hole. This morning I came in and it was 60 degrees Fahrenheit in the building. It was 18 degrees Fahrenheit outside. The cheap bastard sets the heat to 61 degrees Fahrenheit overnight. And worse, overnight the heater was knocked out of commission and so it blew cold air all night long.

Half of the ceiling tiles are missing, which causes an even bigger draft. But even if they fixed the ceiling, it wouldn’t do a damn thing. The owner only paid for half a renovation, and so only half the walls are finished.

No walls, no heat!

The boss’s wife also works here. So, every single day we get a front row seat to their personal marriage related fights and shit talking. It’s so unprofessional. Keep it at home!

And today she wouldn’t shut the fuck up about buying her spoiled kids Christmas gifts. And bitched about the “struggle” of it all. Inflation. These people drive Porches. Shut the fuck up Karen.

The boss is also abusive. Literally one of the worst people I have ever met in my life. Ugly on the inside. The way he speaks to people is appalling. The shit he says is sexist, offensive and just intellectually stupid. For example, gets mad at the way Facebook lays out the photos on our Marketplace items. Like we can change the layout of Facebook?!

He speaks down to people, at people, and talks shit about you to others — while you’re sitting right there to hear it.

When I asked for a coat rack to hang my winter jacket, the other coworker said: “I don’t think he is in a good mood enough to ask that.”

Every single thing we do here is scrutinized, analyzed, and just not allowed to proceed until the boss gets his fucking hands and opinion on it. He is a terrible business person and he fucks up so much here.

It was his Daddy’s business, a successful business, and this control freak, asshole, narcissistic abusive dickhead is just running it into the ground. And bringing us down with it. Every single day. And torturing us in the process.

Double, triple work. Speaking to us like we’re fucking assholes. And I absolutely hate that man. And I hate this place. I fucking hate his out of touch, completely naïve wife too.

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