Shooting Spree

Shooting Spree

My best friend from work and I often step out of our incredibly small and cold cubicles and stand outside and vent out our daily frustrations. We take about 2 to 3 breaks for less than 15 mins each. We dont take a lunch break to make up for the lost time.

My manager emailed the whole team today and wrote, “We’ve gotten a complaint about a certain boy and certain girl who spend inordinate amounts of the day outside chatting. If you’re not interested in working or are not challenged enough, please let me know blah blah”

I have never missed a deadline or done below par work. Her email almost implies that we were getting it on or something outside. I hate that people draw such unnecessary conclusions. As a girl, I feel my boss has accused me of being slutty. close to going on a shooting spree at work

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