Oh My GOODNESS!! Okay I’m currently going to schol on weekend to becaome a Certified Nurse’s Assistant. I applied for a job at a Long term health care center and was refered by my future sister in law. My brother works there and when they did a drug test on him he failed three times before they realized that they had made a mistake.
I applied here because of the experience it will get me and it’s hard to get a job these days. I went in for the interview and they were ready to hire me and set me up for an orientation. I did a urine sample today for my drug test and they were just beginning to check my backgroud and for some odd reason my boss calls me telling me that I have been labeled a ‘sex offender’. I was shocked, taken aback, and al around freaked out. I almost jumped out of my skin. I said,
“I’m a ninteen year old girl in college I doubt I have to commit a sexual offence.” and it didn’t end there. He said that it also said that a trial had taken place in Ocala, Florida. I ahve never even been to Ocala. Obviously the background check has something wrong with it and it is making me pissed. I pratically had this job in the bag until someone screwed my background check up. The girl before me, apparently, had the very same problem. HELLO!! Doesn’t that mean thata something’s wrong here? Now they can’t hire me until I give them proof that I am not a sexual offender. I am so pissed.