My boss sucks. She waits until the last minute and just dump shit on me. I have to smile and bear it. Pretend that she isn’t a cunt. I’m not feeling well and I ask my coworker to do the schedule. She agrees but my cunt boss still makes me do it. Event though, I don’t give no shits today. Fuck her. Damn I miss my previous boss.
But back to being a puppet and slap on my smiley face and pretend that everything is okay. And I want to blow my goddamn brains out. I’m tired of just bending over and taking it. But I do and will tomorrow and forever until get up the nerve to fucking kill myself
[Editors note: If you or someone you know is in crisis, please, please, please call the Suicide Prevention Helpline for confidential support. And if in IMMEDIATE danger, please call 911.
If you do not live in the United States, visit to find numbers for local support. And visit to find emergency numbers.]