Become a freelance holiday assistant

Wrap it Up and Become a Freelance Holiday Assistant

Are you feeling a bit stifled by office or work life? Reading entrepreneur success stories, thinking “I could do that!”? Are you organized? Maybe you’re the one who always plans staff parties, or who makes your kids’ birthday parties the most popular on the block. Or maybe you’re a great cook or have a gift for trimming a tree! Maybe you just like helping to bring people together. If any of these apply to you, you might find the world of a freelance holiday assistant to be the place for you.

Do You Have the Gifts to Be a Holiday Assistant?

Freelance gift wrapping
The best thing about working freelance as a holiday assistant is that you can tailor the job to your specialties. What’s your assistant superpower? This can take many forms that might not seem to connect on the surface, but actually lend themselves well to this kind of work.

What do I mean? Take working retail, for instance. Maybe you’re in visual merchandising, toiling away making store displays. Wouldn’t you rather put that eye for detail towards putting up Christmas decorations? Doesn’t coordinating holiday events sound like a way better time than office admin?

There are so many holiday tasks that people wish they could delegate – which means there are just as many tasks that you could potentially swoop in and take care of! Think about the things that people ask you for help with. Some people can’t wrap a gift to save their lives. But if you’re crafty, you can be a lifesaver to the not-so-coordinated. If you know how to navigate a mall or department store like no one’s business, hire yourself out as a personal holiday shopper! The possibilities are endless.

How to Get Started as a Holiday Assistant

Much like any other job in the world of freelancing, getting into this business can be a little daunting. But there are plenty of resources to get you started!

The easiest time to get started as a holiday assistant is of course the busy Winter season. With all the holidays and events both at work and home during these months, there is plenty of work to do, and many people are looking to delegate some of the tasks involved in making the most of this festive time. There are many places to find your first clients: your social circle, the parents of your kids’ friends (don’t we all want to delegate teacher gifts?), and freelancing websites are all great places to start.
Winter holiday assistant

Work as a freelance holiday assistant is not just limited to the busy Winter holiday season. There is ample opportunity throughout the year, from 4th of July barbecues and fireworks to Valentine’s Day shopping, Easter egg rolls and more! And of course, there are the more personal special occasions, such as birthdays and anniversaries.

Whichever angle you choose to take, life as a personal assistant can be incredibly rewarding for both you and your client. If your skills and passions suit the business, it can be incredibly lucrative– so take a good hard look at your freelance assistant superpowers and don’t be afraid to get creative!

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