Change Your Life

Change Your Life

Saying to yourself, you need to get a job to survive in this

big bad mean evil world is like saying you need to stand on

the side of the road and let someone use you , fuck you and

then toss you out, throw some lettuce at you and send you on

your way. Believe me, working (especially in a low paying

position which is essentially slapping you in the face and

using your precious time, basically insulting you as a

person) is not what you are here to do on earth. 9-59-59-59-


…does this sound like you? what a sad life.

I suggest trying to be an aid worked overseas, you will gain

much more for this, helping real people in need, learning new

stuff, no just helping some rich a$$ company to fatten their

wallet, you will become a better person. trust me, amazing

experiences outta your normal mono surrounds, meeting and

understanding new cultures, and you will be looked after,

food, accommodation and other expenses…so go and sigh up to

change your life..imagine helping people develop in parts of

asia or africa, you will meet new friends and may help them

too, you will grow to become a rolemodel!

2yrs on and i am a better person and know some very beautiful

people that i may have never met otherwise.

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