10 Dollars an Hour

10 Dollars an Hour

I make my 10 dollars an hour. And if I miss an hour, I make 20 the next
hour… by cleaning your coffee pot… and taking out your trash, while
answering the phones, greeting the customers, sitting on my knees for
hours while filing, making your copies, bringing you this, bringing you
that, running around because you’re too busy and too important to even
think about going to the mall every month to get the ’employee of the
month’ plaque ingraved… UGH! I know I spend a lot of time on the
internet, and I should be doing my “job” that you’re “paying” me to do…
but why don’t you go buy yourself a new car or house or something, and let
me chat a little with a few of my friends who also have a shit job.

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